Hammer Bro Hei Mini Star Center NSMBW Randomiser

New Super Mario Randomizer Wii
Config.json Documentation


  1. Introduction
  2. Format
  3. "Seed" Section
  4. "Reduce Lag" Section
  5. "Patches" Section
  6. "Entrance Randomisation" Section
  7. "Skip level" Section
  8. "Secret Exit List" Section
  9. "Enemies" Section
  10. "Enemy Variation" Section
  11. "Wind Chance" Section
  12. "Power-up Panel Shuffle" Section
  13. "Level Group" Section
  14. "Tile Group" Section

Last updated 11/10/2024 (DD/MM/YYYY)


The config.json file foe New Super Mario Randomizer Wii (NSMRW) is used to read randomization preference. It is usually stored in the same folder as the NSMRW Source code.


The format should be structured as below:

{ "Seed":"", "Reduce Lag":True|False, "Patches":{}, "Entrance Randomization":True|False, "Skip":[], "Secret Exit List":[], "Enemies":[], "Enemy Variation":{}, "Wind Chance":0-100, "Power-up Panel Shuffle":True|False, "Level Group":[], "Tile Group":[] }

"Seed" Section

"Seed": Integer | String

The seed that will be used or randomization. Same seed will always yield same randomization result.

Integer | String The seed to be used. Can be either a String or a 32-bit Integer
Example 1:

Example 2:

"Reduce Lag" Section

"Reduce Lag": Boolean

Determine if the randomizer should delete sprites to improve performance.

Boolean Will the randomizer delete sprites to reduce lag. Value should be True or False
Example 1:
"Reduce Lag":true

Example 2:
"Reduce Lag":false

"Patches" Section (COMING V2.0)

"Patches": Object

Determine if the randomizer should apply some hard-coded fixes to stages

"Entrance Randomisation" Section (Optional) [TO BE DEPRECATED]

"Entrance Randomisation": Boolean

Determine if the randomizer should randomise wrap pipe / door exits and level spawn

NOTE: This feature is in experimental. It may create unbeatable levels or inaccessible areas. NOTE: This feature will not be supported staring from version 2.0, which contains area and zone randomisation

Boolean Will the randomiser randomise Entrances. Value should be True or False
Default: False
Example 1:
"Entrance Randomisation":true

Example 2:
"Entrance Randomisation":false

"Skip Level" Section

"Skip": Array

A list of levels that will be skipped during randomization. Can be useful if some levels prevents progress.

Array A list of file names of the levels to not be randomized (Skipped)
NOTE: "Texture" should ALWAYS be included in the list to avoid errors when using the program (unless the "Texture" folder is not included in the "Stage" folder. In this case, DO NOT include "Texture" in the list.)

"Skip Level":["Texture","01-26.arc","01-27.arc","01-28.arc","01-29.arc","01-36.arc","01-40.arc","01-41.arc","01-42.arc","02-36.arc","02-24.arc","02-26.arc","02-27.arc","02-28.arc","03-26.arc"]

"Secret Exit List" Section (COMING V2.0)

"Secret Exit List": Array

A list of levels that are defined to have a secret exit so that the randomiser knows when to generate secret exit rooms

Array A list of file names of the levels that should contain a secret exit

"Secret Exit List":["01-03.arc","02-04.arc","02-06.arc","03-04.arc","03-05.arc","03-21.arc","04-21.arc","04-22.arc","05-21.arc","06-05.arc","06-06.arc","07-21.arc","07-22.arc","08-02.arc"]

"Enemies" Section

"Enemies": [Array]

Lists of enemies to be randomized.
That is, the enemies in the list will be randomized to another enemy in the same list.
Enemies outside of the list will not be randomized.
The Array is a multi-dimentional array. Enemies can be grouped in an array, therefore forming a randomization group (pool).
Enemies in the same pool will only be randomized and changed to another enemy in the same pool.

[Array] Arrays of array of sprite IDs to be randomized.
Each array will be classified as 1 pool, and will randomize only within the pool.
Note: Items can be included in multiple pool, and can be repeated within the pool. The number of repeats decides the weight of that item in the respective pool.
For example, Goomba's ID can be included in a pool 3 times out of 10 total IDs. This would result in 30% (3/10) chance of a sprite in the pool being randomised into a Goomba.
The order of the pools will also affects the randomization effects. If the item is randomized once, it will be randomized with the latter group once more.
For example, when a Goomba is in both pool A and pool B, and pool A is first in the array, another enemy can be randomised into a Goomba when pooling from pool A, then got randomised into something else from pool B.

"Enemy Variartion" Section

"Enemy Variation": {ID : enemyVariation, ID : enemyVariation, ...}

Lists of sprites / enemy variations to be randomized.
That is, the enemies / sprites in the json list will be randomized to another form in the list.
Enemy / sprite varients outside of the list will not be randomized.

ID String sprite IDs to be randomized.
Due to limitations, The field ONLY accepts STRING.
enemyVariation Array of String "Raw Data" of the enemy variation in hex(but wrapped by quotation ("")).
The data can be found via the Sprite Properties window in the Reggie! level editor. ("Modify Raw Data" Section)
Wildcards are supported via "x". Value will not be replaced for the position where the wildcard exist. (COMING v2.0)
Note: Items can be repeated within the group. The number of repeats decides the weight of that item in the respective group.
"Enemy Variation":{
        "0000 2000 0010",
        "0000 0000 0000",
        "0000 0000 0001"
        "0000 0000 0002",
        "0000 0000 0100",
        "0000 0000 0000",
        "0000 0000 0102"
        "0000 0xxx xx00",
        "0000 0xxx xx01", 
        "0000 0xxx xx02", 
        "0000 0xxx xx03", 
        "0000 0xxx xx04", 
        "0000 0xxx xx05", 
        "0000 0xxx xx06", 
        "0000 0xxx xx07", 
        "0000 0xxx xx08",
        "0000 0xxx xx09",
        "0000 0xxx xx0A",
        "0000 0xxx xx0B",
        "0000 0xxx xx0C",
        "0000 0xxx xx0D",
        "0000 0xxx xx0E",
        "0000 0xxx xx0F"  

"Wind Chance" Section (COMING V2.0)

"Wind Chance": Integer

Determine the probability that the level will have wind (sandstorm)

Integer The probability value of the area having wind, out of 100. Value should be between 0 to 100
Example 1:
"Wind Chance":36

Example 2:
"Wind Chance":100

"Power-up Panel Shuffle" Section (COMING V2.0)

"Power-up Panel Shuffle": Boolean

Determine if the randomizer should randomise the panels in the Power-up Panels minigame

Boolean Should the randomizer randomise the panels. Value should be True or False
Example 1:
"Power-up Panel Shuffle":true

Example 2:
"Power-up Panel Shuffle":false

"Level Group" Section (Optional)

"Level Group": [Array]

Lists of grouped levels to be randomized.
Like how enemy group works, the levels in the group will be changed to another level in the list.
Levels not included in the groups will be randomized with other ungrouped levels.
To NOT randomize a group of level, use "Skip level".

[Array] Arrays of array of file names to be randomized.
Each array will be classified as 1 group, and will randomize only within the group.
Note: Items can be included in multiple groups, but CANNOT be repeated within the group. Attempt to include repeats will results in Error.
The order of the groups will also affects the randomization effects. If the item is randomized once, it will be randomized with the latter group once more.

"Tile Group" Section (Optional)

"Tile Group": [Array]

Lists of grouped tile object ID to be randomized.
Each array will be classified as 1 group, and will randomize only within the group.

[Array] Arrays of array of tile object IDs to be randomized.
Each array will be classified as 1 group, and will randomize only within the group.
Note: Items can be included in multiple groups, and can be repeated within the group. The number of repeats decides the weight of that item in the respective group.
The order of the groups will also affects the randomization effects. If the item is randomized once, it will be randomized with the latter group once more.
"Tile Group":[[39,40,41,44,45,46,47,48],[29,30,31,33,34,35,36,37]]
Find more on YouTube: Hammer Bro Hei
Hacked Bro Hei
Main Page NSMBW Randomiser
Mini Star Center MP9 Custom Board

