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General Information
Basic Properties
Advance Properties

Rendering Settings

How to use

  1. Download the repository at GitHub
  2. Open the board space BRRES file (should be located in common/bd0#, and contains `mass` in its name) with BrawlCrate
    (Skip Step 2 and 3 if the plugin is already installed)
  3. Move the folder `MP9BoardExporter` from the downloaded folder to BrawlCrate's plugin folder (In BrawlCrate > Tools > Open API Folder > Plugins)
  4. Reload BrawlCrate plugins (Tools > Reload Plugins)
  5. Navigate to the mdl0 file in the BRRES file (Located in the 3DModel folder), and highlight (select) it
  6. Export the spaces to a JSON file by going to Plugin > MP9BoardExporter > export_board. Choose the folder that the JSON file will be exported to
  7. Return to here, and choose the exported JSON file.
