Mini Star Center Spaces Maps Minigames

Spaces of Mario Party 9

Mini Star Central

To learn more about when to land on these spaces, go to the Map page

ID Space Name Brief Description Technical Detail
0 Start The start of the board - When the start space is not presented in a board, "Invalid Read" will be popped out, and sets the start position to 0,0,0
1 Boss Space The final space of the board, triggers the Final boss minigame in the board - When this space is not presented in a board, "Invalid Read" will be popped out.
3 Dice Space Gives out a random special dice, and may trigger a minigame or gives out some ministars - The game would force a minigame after around 5 turns via this space. (3-4 turns are also possible, but 5 is most common)
4 Backward Space Make the player roll a dice to go backwards on the board
5 Lucky Space Causes the player to enter an event where they can earn ministars - Generally are pipes bonus area or Toad House.
- Board-specific:
-- Blooper Bay: go to the lucky island / gets the mainisters at the centre of the island
- Jackpot Space uses another ID, not this one
6 Unlucky Space Causes the player to enter an event where they can earn miniztars (lose ministars) - Generally are pipes "bonus" area.
- Board specific:
-- Blooper Bay: Goes to the Blooper whirl (? I forgot)
-- Blooper Bay Captain Event: Lose mini stars earned in the Event
7 "Last chance" checkpoint Usually placed at 2/3 of the board, which will gives a slow dice to last place and cause more Bowser Spaces to appear - Bowser Spaces that appears after this are always constant, marked with attribute "-21xxxxxx"
- When multiple players are in last, the slow dice are distributed to all of them
8 Spin Space Make the player spin a roulette that can steal special dices / ministars from other players, get special dices, or moves once more - All events:
1. Get [Type of special dice]
2. Item Shuffle
3. Exchange Item with another player
4. Roll dice once more
5. All players must use dice / special dice
9 1 ministar UNCONFIRMED
10 3 ministars UNCONFIRMED
11 Battle Space Cause a battle VS minigame to be played - Either 3 ministers are collected from all player, or 9 ministars will be collected in the minigame's last place.
- Ministars are distributed among players (duh)
12 Mid-Boss Spacee Marks the 1/3 - 1/2 of the board. A mini boss minigame will be played. Mandary space. - "Invalid read" will occur when there are none of these in the board
- When landed on the second time, it does nothing and proceed to the next player's turn
13 1v2/3 Space Makes players to play a 1VS3 (2 if 3 players only) minigame. The captain would be in the team of one. - TODO What if there is only 2 player?
14 Green Space? UNKNOWN
15 Bowser Jr MG Space Makes 2 players to play a Bowser Jr minigame - For game that only has 1 human player, that human player will always be playing the minigame
16 Split path confirmation Marks a split path point, and makes a prompt for player to choose the direction. - If there is no split path confirmation, the first space referenced in "ms_link" property will be chosen automatically, and no confirmation event will occur.
- Always triggers the choosing roulette in Magma Mines
17 Empty An empty space that act as a node for guiding the vehicle around. Does not count as passing a space (dice roll -1)
18 Shuffle Space Shuffles the order of players' turn
19 Dash Space Have the player to move once more with a normal dice.
20 4v Minigame Space Makes players to play a Free-for-all minigame
21 Happening Space Triggers a board event. Types of events depends on individual boards / sections
22 Green Space It is certainly a space that can be landed on. Does not do anything, and will proceed to next player's turn once landed on.
23 Magma Space (Magma Mines) (+2/3) Raise the magma up by n vertical spaces, where n=2/3/4 - Number of spaces rising is defined in the first value of "ms_free8" property
-- That means the "+4" magma space may have functionality, not just graphically. NEEDS CHECKING
24 UNKNOWN Act like green space, appearance unknown yet
25 DK Space (DK Jungle Ruins) Cause the Banana Spinner to spin, and the player can grab Bananas in this spinner - Act as green space on other boards
26 Mini star / ztar (s) space (Pipe Bonus area) Gives out players ministars - Number of ministars are defined in the rel files of the respective boards
27 Blank Space (No Texture) TODO but is it really blank space only?
28 Blank Space (No Texture) TODO but is it really blank space only?
29 Blank Space (No Texture) TODO but is it really blank space only?
30 Blank Space (No Texture) TODO but is it really blank space only?
31 Blank Space (No Texture) TODO but is it really blank space only?
32 Blank Space (No Texture) TODO but is it really blank space only?
33 Blank Space (No Texture) TODO but is it really blank space only?
34 Captain Event Space Triggers a captain event. The event depends on the section and the board. Mandatory stop.
35 Jackpot Space (Bowser Space Station) Release all ministars accumulated in the Jackpot Machine - Different and unique ID from the normal Lucky Space
36 Blank Space (No Texture) TODO but is it really blank space only?
37 Bowser Space Causes Bowser to appear and the Bowser Roulette to spin. - At Bowser Space Station, Bowser would be in a Clown Car instead of standing
-TODO list of events
38 Mini Ztar Space (1) Gives out players 1 miniztar (Makes the player lose 1 ministar) - Only used in Toad Road
39 Mini Star Space (1) Gives out player 1 ministar -Only used in Toad Road, different than the one used in the pipe bonus area
40 Mini Ztar Space (3) Gives out player 3 miniztars (Maked the player lose 3 ministars)
41 Mini Star Space (3) Gives out player 3 ministars
42 Jackpot +5 Space (Bowser Space Station) Adds 5 ministars to the Jackpot Machine total Interestingly, +5 and +8 spaces have their first byte marked with their value as well.
43 Jackpot +8 Space (Bowser Space Station) Adds 8 ministars to the Jackpot Machine total
44 UNKNOWN Invalid read when loaded into stage, acted like 17 otherwise, except they can be checked via "Confirm Path" option
45 UNKNOWN Used in Bob-omb Factory
46 DOES IT EVEN EXIST? Description: Dice space, actually landable space with Invalid instr
More Information / External Links:
Mario Party 9 - Super Mario Wiki
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